Overhead Crane and Hoist Operator Safety Training
Overhead (OH) Cranes are hydraulically, electrically or mechanically controlled equipment used lift and move heavy materials from one location to the other in a precise manner.
Overhead Crane Safety Training is designed to lift and move material in an efficient and safe manner and can work up to 2-3 times faster and can be used in extreme environments to reduce workers exposure to hazards associated in material handling by other means.
The in-class theory segment provides knowledge and understanding of safe operations and inspection of the OH Cranes and their components (slings, hooks, cables etc.), and the practical component assesses the skills of the operator to apply their knowledge in the safe operations of the Overhead Cranes and hoisting, thus reducing the risk of harm to people property and business and to increase productivity and efficiency.

Overhead Cranes Training Description:
- Types of Overhead Cranes
- Component Terminology
- Operator Responsibilities
- Pre-Operation Inspection
- Rigging & Hoisting Procedures
- Load assessment and handling
- Care and Maintenance
The Ontario OHS law requires anyone using mechanical material handling equipment to be a ‘competent’ person, a person qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance, is familiar with this Act and the regulations that apply to the work and has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace. OHSA s. 1(1)
The practical part is a safe operations skills assessment, participant MUST have completed at least 8 hrs of hands-on operations under supervision of a ‘competent’ operator. The equipment for practical evaluation must have, a. sticker validating its annual inspection as well as all other necessary, b. Rated load capacity, c. a completed daily / pre-shift inspection.

- OHSA Section 1(1)
- O. Reg. S. 851 s.51(2)
- O. Reg. S. 213/91 s.150-156
- Audience: Operators of OHC, Supervisors, JHSC members
- Duration: 6h (3 Th, 3 Pr)
- Location: On-site only
- Cert Validity: 3 yrs
- Participants: 10 max
Also Available:
- Lifting Sling Inspection
- Manual Material Handling
- Fork Lift trucks
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